Title: | Filter and Analyze Generalised Telemetry Data from Organisms |
Description: | Analyze telemetry datasets generalized to allow any technology. The filtering steps check for false positives caused by reflected transmissions from surfaces and false pings from other noise generating equipment. The filters are based on JSATS filtering algorithms found in package 'filteRjsats' <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=filteRjsats> but have been generalized to allow the user to define many of the filtering variables. Additionally, this package contains scripts used to help identify an optimal maximum blanking period as defined in Capello et al (2015) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134002>. The functions were written according to their manuscript description, but have not been reviewed by the authors for accuracy. It is included here as is, without warranty. |
Authors: | Taylor Spaulding [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Taylor Spaulding <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 1.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-03 04:49:40 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/tspaulding-esa/telemetr |
This function takes a prefiltered detection dataframe from 'prefilter()' and joins it to organism data formatted using the 'format_org()' function. Detections are then filtered further based on the date and time of tag release and expected battery life. Detections occurring before release of the tag or after 2x the expected battery life are removed.
add_org(prefilter_file, org, time_before_detection, time_unit)
add_org(prefilter_file, org, time_before_detection, time_unit)
prefilter_file |
a prefiltered detection dataframe from 'prefilter()' |
org |
a dataframe of organism data retrieved from 'get_org_data()' or 'format_org()' |
time_before_detection |
How long before detection could an organism be released and still detected? Generally 2x the expected tag life. |
time_unit |
The unit of time used for time_before_detection (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months) |
A filtered dataframe converting the raw detection data into rows of detections
# Format the organism data formatted_fish <- format_org(data = fish, var_Id = "TagCode", var_release = "Release_Date", var_tag_life = "TagLife", var_ping_rate = "PRI", local_time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles", time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Add organism data to the prefiltered detection data add_org(prefilter_file = dat_filt1, org = formatted_fish, time_before_detection = 120, time_unit = "days")
# Format the organism data formatted_fish <- format_org(data = fish, var_Id = "TagCode", var_release = "Release_Date", var_tag_life = "TagLife", var_ping_rate = "PRI", local_time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles", time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Add organism data to the prefiltered detection data add_org(prefilter_file = dat_filt1, org = formatted_fish, time_before_detection = 120, time_unit = "days")
An example dataset of real acoustic telemetry detections of fish at several receivers within the California Central Valley from 2021. These detections have already been been processed using 'blanking_event()' to create events using maximum blanking periods from 3 to 1,500 seconds to reprocess the data. Each row represents a single event which includes >=1 detection(s) per fish per site which occur within the specified maximum blanking period 'mbp_n'.
## 'blanked_detects' A data frame with 44,630 rows and 9 columns:
Generally a strain, run, and species of fish (e.g. Nimbus Fall Chinook = Fall-run Chinook Salmon from Nimbus Hatchery)
The hexadecimal acoustic tag ID code
the maximum blanking period used to create this event
An increasing number which identifies the event number; one event per fish per site for all detections which occur within 'mbp_n' seconds of the next.
The more general geographic name of the location of the receiver
The Date and Time of the first detection within the event
The Date and Time of the last detection within the event
The total number of detections contained within the event
the total length of time of the event in seconds
Takes a dataframe with telemetry detection data and a list of potential Blanking Period multipliers (n_val) and crosses them, duplicating the entire dataframe by the length of n_val. Detections are grouped by individual, site, and any supplied grouping variables. Then events are created by collecting detections which occur within n_val*ping_rate from the next detection. This function can be very slow depending on the size of the dataframe.
blanking_event( data, var_site, var_Id, var_datetime, var_groups = NULL, var_ping_rate, n_val, time_unit )
blanking_event( data, var_site, var_Id, var_datetime, var_groups = NULL, var_ping_rate, n_val, time_unit )
data |
the detection dataframe with columns for sites, tag IDs, datetime, any grouping variables, and the expected ping rate. |
var_site |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies unique residency sites, these sites should be as distinct as possible, such that it is infrequent that organisms can be detected at two sites at a given time. |
var_Id |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the individual transmitter/tag/organism identifier. |
var_datetime |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the date and time of the detection event. This column should already have been converted to POSIXct format. |
var_groups |
a single string or vector of strings of the columns which should be used to group animals. Common groupings are species and cohorts. |
var_ping_rate |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the temporal frequency at which the transmitter emits a detectable signal. |
n_val |
a vector sequence of integers which can be multiplied by the ping rate to construct multiple potential blanking periods. The range and step values for n should be selected based on prior knowledge about general behavior habits of the study organism and the functionality of the equipment. For more information, please refer to Capello et. al. 2015. |
time_unit |
the preferred unit of time to calculate durations, this should correspond to the ping_rate, (i.e. if the ping rate is 3 seconds, the preferred time_unit is seconds). If the preferred time_unit is on the same scale as the ping_rate, the ping rate should be converted to the same scale. |
A dataframe which has been crossed with all integers in n_val, and which has been condensed into events. Please refer to Capello et. al. 2015 for further detail about the creation of these events.
# Create a dataframe of events blanked by a set of n_values from 1:10 blanking_event(data = filtered_detections, var_Id = "Tag_Code", var_site = "receiver_general_location", var_datetime = "DateTime_Local", var_groups = "fish_type", var_ping_rate = "tag_pulse_rate_interval_nominal", n_val = c(1:2), time_unit = "secs")
# Create a dataframe of events blanked by a set of n_values from 1:10 blanking_event(data = filtered_detections, var_Id = "Tag_Code", var_site = "receiver_general_location", var_datetime = "DateTime_Local", var_groups = "fish_type", var_ping_rate = "tag_pulse_rate_interval_nominal", n_val = c(1:2), time_unit = "secs")
Takes a dataframe with telemetry detection data and a single optimum blanking period chosen from the output of opt_mbp(), and groups detections by individual, site, and any supplied grouping variables into residence events. The residence events are created by collecting detections which occur within the selected optimum maximum blanking period from the next detection. This function can be very slow depending on the size of the dataframe.
build_residence( data, var_groups, var_Id, var_datetime, var_site, opt_mbp, time_unit )
build_residence( data, var_groups, var_Id, var_datetime, var_site, opt_mbp, time_unit )
data |
the detection dataframe with columns for sites, tag IDs, datetime, any grouping variables, and the expected ping rate. |
var_groups |
a single string or vector of strings of the columns which should be used to group animals. Common groupings are species and cohorts. |
var_Id |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the individual transmitter/tag/organism identifier. |
var_datetime |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the date and time of the detection event. This column should already have been converted to POSIXct format. |
var_site |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies unique residency sites, these sites should be as distinct as possible, such that it is infrequent that organisms can be detected at two sites at a given time. |
opt_mbp |
a single optimum blanking period chosen from the output of opt_mbp() |
time_unit |
the unit of time used by the optimum maximum blanking period, often on the same scale as the ping rate for the transmitter. |
A dataframe of detections which has been condensed into continuous residence events based on the optimum maximum blanking period selected.
# Build a set of detection events after determining the optimal blanking # period (e.g. 2500 seconds) build_residence(data = filtered_detections, var_groups = "fish_type", var_Id = "Tag_Code", var_datetime = "DateTime_Local", var_site = "receiver_general_location", opt_mbp = 2500, time_unit = "secs")
# Build a set of detection events after determining the optimal blanking # period (e.g. 2500 seconds) build_residence(data = filtered_detections, var_groups = "fish_type", var_Id = "Tag_Code", var_datetime = "DateTime_Local", var_site = "receiver_general_location", opt_mbp = 2500, time_unit = "secs")
Example output from the 'conv_thresholds()' function, calculating the 95 convergence thresholds for the rSSR data found in 'ex_rSSR'.
## 'conv_thresh' A data frame with 1 rows and 5 columns:
Generally a strain, run, and species of fish (e.g. Nimbus Fall Chinook = Fall-run Chinook Salmon from Nimbus Hatchery)
The minimum rSSR value
The maximum rSSR value
the rSSR value which represents the 'thresh_level' cutoff for estimating convergence
The desired convergence level (100-x)
Takes a dataframe created by renorm_SSR and calculates the range in values and then calculates thresholds given. Suggested values are 0.5, 0.1, and 0.005. The rSSR calculated for each MBP should decrease with each increasing blanking period until they reach close to zero, which We consider convergence. Since the rSSR curve generally bounces around an assymptote and often does not reach or stay at 0, we set a threshold a priori for identifying convergence.
conv_thresholds(rSSR_df, var_groups, thresh_levels = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.005))
conv_thresholds(rSSR_df, var_groups, thresh_levels = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.005))
rSSR_df |
a dataframe created by created by renorm_SSRduration compare showing the renormalized sum of squares of the residuals between one potential blanking period and the next. |
var_groups |
a single string or vector of strings of the columns which should be used to group organisms. Common groupings are species and cohorts. |
thresh_levels |
a single value or vector of values used to set thresholds for identifying convergence. |
A dataframe of rSSR values corresponding to the given convergence threshold
# Calculate the 95% "convergence" threshold for the rSSR data conv_thresholds(rSSR_df = ex_rSSR, var_groups = "fish_type", thresh_levels = 0.05)
# Calculate the 95% "convergence" threshold for the rSSR data conv_thresholds(rSSR_df = ex_rSSR, var_groups = "fish_type", thresh_levels = 0.05)
An example dataset of real acoustic telemetry detections of fish at several receivers within the California Central Valley from 2021. These detections have already been been processed using 'prefilter()' from this package or companion package 'filteRjsats'.
## 'dat_filt1' A data frame with 47,931 rows and 4 columns:
The serial number of the detecting receiver
the local time of the detection (tz = America/Los_Angeles)
The hexadecimal acoustic tag ID code
A calculated field from the prefilter checking the time between acoustic transmissions from the same tag was >0.3secs
Data collected by the California Department of Water Resources 2021
An example dataset of real acoustic telemetry detections of fish at several receivers within the California Central Valley from 2021. These detections have already been been processed using 'prefilter()' and 'add_org()'.
## 'dat_orgfilt' A data frame with 47,343 rows and 16 columns:
The serial number of the detecting receiver
the local time of the detection (tz = America/Los_Angeles)
The hexadecimal acoustic tag ID code
A calculated field from the prefilter checking the time between acoustic transmissions from the same tag was >0.3secs
A calculated field from the add_fish filter which queries whether the tag code of the detection is associated with an organism.
Generally a strain, run, and species of fish (e.g. Nimbus Fall Chinook = Fall-run Chinook Salmon from Nimbus Hatchery)
The release date and time of the fish
The coded name of the release site
The length of the fish in millimeters
The weight of the fish in grams
The weight of the implanted acoustic tag
The model number of the implanted acoustic tag
The pulse rate interval (time between transmissions) of the implanted tag, as reported by the manufacturer
The expected number of days the tag should continue to transmit, as reported by the manufacturer
A calculated field which checks whether the detection occurred after the release of the fish
A calculated field which checks whether the detection occurred before the tag battery is expected to expire (2x tag life)
Data collected by the California Department of Water Resources 2021
Takes a dataframe of detection data which has been condensed by potential blanking periods generated by 'blanking_event()' and compares the duration of each event to a common sequence of increasing times. If the event is longer than the duration it is flagged as "survived". The proportion of events which "survive" for each potential blanking period at each time (t) is then calculated.
duration_compare(event_dur, var_groups = NULL, time_seq)
duration_compare(event_dur, var_groups = NULL, time_seq)
event_dur |
the detection dataframe which has been condensed into discrete events using each potential blanking period. |
var_groups |
a single string or vector of strings of the columns which should be used to group organisms. Common groupings are species and cohorts. |
time_seq |
a vector of times on the same scale as the ping rate. The largest value of the sequence should be greater that the longest duration produced using blanking event, and the smallest should be shorter than the smallest blanking period. |
A dataframe which contains the proportion of "survived" events created by each potential blanking period for each time (t).
# Compare the durations of blanked detection events duration_compare(event_dur = blanked_detects, var_groups = "fish_type", time_seq = c(1:10))
# Compare the durations of blanked detection events duration_compare(event_dur = blanked_detects, var_groups = "fish_type", time_seq = c(1:10))
Example output from the 'opt_mbp()' function, finding the optimal mbp for each group and desired convergence threshold.
## 'ex_opt' A data frame with 1 rows and 5 columns:
Generally a strain, run, and species of fish (e.g. Nimbus Fall Chinook = Fall-run Chinook Salmon from Nimbus Hatchery)
The minimum rSSR value
The maximum rSSR value
the rSSR value which represents the 'thresh_level' cutoff for estimating convergence
The desired convergence level (100-x)
The identified optimum mbp for the given threshold and group
Example output from the 'renorm_SSR()' function, calculating the renormalized sum of squares for the "survival" data found in 'time_test'.
## 'ex_rSSR' A data frame with 100 rows and 5 columns:
Generally a strain, run, and species of fish (e.g. Nimbus Fall Chinook = Fall-run Chinook Salmon from Nimbus Hatchery)
The maximum blanking period (in seconds) used to create a set of events
The sum of squared residuals between this 'mbp_n' and the next
the total number of events created with this 'mbp_n'
the renormalized sum of squared residuals between this 'mbp_n' and the next
This function takes a detection dataframe generated from the add_org() function and filters it a second time to remove any remaining multipath detections, and then check the remaining detections by comparing the time between each detection to ensure it is less 4x the stated pulse rate interval. Called by second_filter_2h4h().
filter_2h(org_file, time_unit, multipath_time, org_ping_rate)
filter_2h(org_file, time_unit, multipath_time, org_ping_rate)
org_file |
a dataframe of detections retrieved from add_org() |
time_unit |
The unit of time used for analyses (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months) |
multipath_time |
A numeric maximum amount of time which must pass between detections for a detection to be considered a "true", not a bounced, signal. |
org_ping_rate |
The expected time between transmissions emitted from tags/transmitters implanted or attached to an organism |
A dataframe which has been filtered to remove false positives
# Apply a 2-hit filter to data previously prefiltered and with organism data filter_2h(org_file = dat_orgfilt, time_unit = "secs", multipath_time = 0.3, org_ping_rate = 3)
# Apply a 2-hit filter to data previously prefiltered and with organism data filter_2h(org_file = dat_orgfilt, time_unit = "secs", multipath_time = 0.3, org_ping_rate = 3)
This function takes a detection dataframe generated from the 'add_org()' function and filters it a second time to remove any remaining multipath detections, and then check the remaining detections by comparing the time between detections, for a rolling window of 4 detections to ensure it is less 16.6x the stated pulse rate interval. Called by 'second_filter()'.
filter_4h(org_file, time_unit, multipath_time, org_ping_rate)
filter_4h(org_file, time_unit, multipath_time, org_ping_rate)
org_file |
a dataframe of detections retrieved from 'add_org()' |
time_unit |
The unit of time used for analyses (secs, mins, hours, days, weeks) |
multipath_time |
A numeric maximum amount of time which must pass between detections for a detection to be considered a "true", not a bounced, signal. |
org_ping_rate |
The expected time between transmissions emitted from tags/transmitters implanted or attached to an organism |
A dataframe which has been filtered to remove false positives
# Apply a 4hit filter to data previously prefiltered and with organism data filter_4h(org_file = dat_orgfilt, time_unit = "secs", multipath_time = 0.3, org_ping_rate = 3)
# Apply a 4hit filter to data previously prefiltered and with organism data filter_4h(org_file = dat_orgfilt, time_unit = "secs", multipath_time = 0.3, org_ping_rate = 3)
An example dataset of real acoustic telemetry detections of fish at several receivers within the California Central Valley from 2021. These detections have already been been processed using 'prefilter()' and 'add_org()'.
## 'filtered_detections' A data frame with 41,000 rows and 26 columns:
The serial number of the detecting receiver
the local time of the detection (tz = America/Los_Angeles)
The hexadecimal acoustic tag ID code
A calculated field from the prefilter checking the time between acoustic transmissions from the same tag was >0.3secs
A calculated field from the add_fish filter which queries whether the tag code of the detection is associated with an organism.
Generally a strain, run, and species of fish (e.g. Nimbus Fall Chinook = Fall-run Chinook Salmon from Nimbus Hatchery)
The release date and time of the fish
The coded name of the release site
The length of the fish in millimeters
The weight of the fish in grams
The weight of the implanted acoustic tag
The model number of the implanted acoustic tag
The pulse rate interval (time between transmissions) of the implanted tag, as reported by the manufacturer
The expected number of days the tag should continue to transmit, as reported by the manufacturer
A calculated field which checks whether the detection occurred after the release of the fish
A calculated field which checks whether the detection occurred before the tag battery is expected to expire (2x tag life)
A unique id is created for each receiver deployment
The brand of the acoustic receiver
The decimal degree latitude (WGS1984) of the acoustic receiver at deployment
The decimal degree longitude (WGS1984) of the acoustic receiver at deployment
The site name of an individual receiver, often more than one 'receiver_location' is found at a 'receiver_general_location'
The more general geographic name of the location of the receiver
The number of river kilometers the receiver is from the Golden Gate Bridge
The start time of the reciever (generally when it was deployed)
The end time of the receiver (generally when it was retrieved)
Data collected by the California Department of Water Resources 2021
An example dataset of real fish tagged with acoustic telemetry tags and released within the California Central Valley in 2021 and 2022.
## 'fish' A data frame with 7,240 rows and 60 columns:
Generally a strain, run, and species of fish (e.g. Nimbus Fall Chinook = Fall-run Chinook Salmon from Nimbus Hatchery)
The hexadecimal code of the implanted acoustic tag
The release date and time of the fish
The coded name of the release site
The length of the fish in millimeters
The weight of the fish in grams
The weight of the implanted acoustic tag
The model number of the implanted acoustic tag
The pulse rate interval (time between transmissions) of the implanted tag, as reported by the manufacturer
The expected number of days the tag should continue to transmit, as reported by the manufacturer
This function takes a detection dataframe from a single receiver and reformats specific columns so that they can be read by the filtering functions in filteRjsats package
format_detects( data, var_Id, var_datetime_local, var_frequency = NULL, var_receiver_serial, var_receiver_make = NULL, local_time_zone, time_format )
format_detects( data, var_Id, var_datetime_local, var_frequency = NULL, var_receiver_serial, var_receiver_make = NULL, local_time_zone, time_format )
data |
the detection dataframe with columns for individual receivers, tag IDs,datetime, and the expected ping rate. |
var_Id |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the individual transmitter/tag/organism identifier. |
var_datetime_local |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the date and time of the detection event. This column should already have been converted to POSIXct format and should be converted to the local timezone. |
var_frequency |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the maximum temporal frequency at which transmitters in organisms emit a detectable signal, only for use before JSATS filtering. |
var_receiver_serial |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the serial number of the detection receiver |
var_receiver_make |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the make or brand of the detection receiver. Must be one of "ATS", "Lotek", or "Tekno", only for use before JSATS filtering. |
local_time_zone |
the local timezone used for analyses. Uses tz database names (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles" for Pacific Time) |
time_format |
a string value indicating the datetime format of all time fields |
A standardized detection dataframe which can be read by filteRjsats
#format the detection data format_detects(data = raw_detections, var_Id = "tag_id", var_datetime_local = "local_time", var_receiver_serial = "serial", local_time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles", time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#format the detection data format_detects(data = raw_detections, var_Id = "tag_id", var_datetime_local = "local_time", var_receiver_serial = "serial", local_time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles", time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
This function takes a dataframe of org and tag data and renames the columns to those expected by the add_org() function
format_org( data, var_Id, var_release, var_tag_life, var_ping_rate, local_time_zone, time_format )
format_org( data, var_Id, var_release, var_tag_life, var_ping_rate, local_time_zone, time_format )
data |
a dataframe of org and tag data |
var_Id |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the individual transmitter/tag/organism identifier. |
var_release |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the release date and time in POSIX format and appropriate timezone |
var_tag_life |
the column name, in quotes, which identified the expected tag life in days |
var_ping_rate |
the column name, in quotes which identifies the expected ping rate of the tag/transmitter |
local_time_zone |
the local timezone used for analyses. Uses tz database names (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles" for Pacific Time) |
time_format |
a string value indicating the datetime format of all time fields |
A dataframe which contains fields renamed to match those required by add_org() function
# Rename columns to work with functions format_org(data = fish, var_Id = "TagCode", var_release = "Release_Date", var_tag_life = "TagLife", var_ping_rate = "PRI", local_time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles", time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# Rename columns to work with functions format_org(data = fish, var_Id = "TagCode", var_release = "Release_Date", var_tag_life = "TagLife", var_ping_rate = "PRI", local_time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles", time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
This function takes a dataframe of receiver metadata and reformats specific columns so that they can be read by the filtering functions in filteRjsats package
format_receivers( data, var_receiver_serial, var_receiver_make, var_receiver_deploy, var_receiver_retrieve, local_time_zone, time_format )
format_receivers( data, var_receiver_serial, var_receiver_make, var_receiver_deploy, var_receiver_retrieve, local_time_zone, time_format )
data |
the detection dataframe with columns for individual receivers, tag IDs,datetime, and the expected ping rate. |
var_receiver_serial |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the serial number of the detection receiver |
var_receiver_make |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the make or brand of the detection receiver. Must be one of "ATS", "Lotek", or "Tekno" |
var_receiver_deploy |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the date and time the receiver was deployed |
var_receiver_retrieve |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the date and time the receiver was retrieved |
local_time_zone |
the local timezone used for analyses. Uses tz database names (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles" for Pacific Time) |
time_format |
a string value indicating the datetime format of all time fields |
A dataframe which contains fields renamed to match those required by add_receivers() function
# Rename columns to work with functions format_receivers(data = receivers, var_receiver_serial = "receiver_serial_number", var_receiver_make = "receiver_make", var_receiver_deploy = "receiver_start", var_receiver_retrieve = "receiver_end", local_time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles", time_format = "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S")
# Rename columns to work with functions format_receivers(data = receivers, var_receiver_serial = "receiver_serial_number", var_receiver_make = "receiver_make", var_receiver_deploy = "receiver_start", var_receiver_retrieve = "receiver_end", local_time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles", time_format = "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S")
Takes dataframes created by 'renorm_SSR()' and 'conv_thresholds()' and determines the corresponding "optimum" maximum blanking period (MBP) for each convergence threshold.
opt_mbp(rSSR_df, thresh_values)
opt_mbp(rSSR_df, thresh_values)
rSSR_df |
a dataframe created by created by renorm_SSRduration compare showing the renormalized sum of squares of the residuals between one potential blanking period and the next. |
thresh_values |
a dataframe created by conv_thresholds corresponding to the chosen convergence thresholds. |
A dataframe showing the convergence value and corresponding optimal maximum blanking period for each grouping.
# Determine the optimum mbp opt_mbp(rSSR_df = ex_rSSR, thresh_values = conv_thresh)
# Determine the optimum mbp opt_mbp(rSSR_df = ex_rSSR, thresh_values = conv_thresh)
This function takes a detection dataframe output from format_detects and filters out multipath signals (signals which are bounced off of surfaces, usually seen in underwater systems with hard surfaces which reflect sound) and spurious signals which do not occur within a user defined time frame of the last detection (12x the ping rate for organisms or 3x the ping rate for beacons). Following this, the dataframe is standardized so that all detection dataframes from any technology type are identical and superfluous fields are removed.
prefilter( data, reference_tags, time_unit, multipath_time, org_ping_rate, beacon_ping )
prefilter( data, reference_tags, time_unit, multipath_time, org_ping_rate, beacon_ping )
data |
A dataframe which is the output from read_jstats() or format_detects() |
reference_tags |
A vector of potential reference (beacon) tag IDs |
time_unit |
The unit of time used for analyses (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months) |
multipath_time |
A numeric maximum amount of time which must pass between detections for a detection to be considered a "true", not a bounced, signal. |
org_ping_rate |
The expected time between transmissions emitted from tags/transmitters implanted or attached to an organism |
beacon_ping |
The expected time between transmissions emitted from tags/transmitters used as beacon or reference tags to check receiver functionality. |
A standardized detection dataframe with multipath detects removed
# Run the prefilter on a set of raw detection data #format the detection data detects_formatted <- format_detects(data = raw_detections, var_Id = "tag_id", var_datetime_local = "local_time", var_receiver_serial = "serial", local_time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles", time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #apply the prefilter prefilter(data = detects_formatted, reference_tags = reftags, time_unit = "secs", multipath_time = 0.3, org_ping_rate = 3, beacon_ping = 30)
# Run the prefilter on a set of raw detection data #format the detection data detects_formatted <- format_detects(data = raw_detections, var_Id = "tag_id", var_datetime_local = "local_time", var_receiver_serial = "serial", local_time_zone = "America/Los_Angeles", time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #apply the prefilter prefilter(data = detects_formatted, reference_tags = reftags, time_unit = "secs", multipath_time = 0.3, org_ping_rate = 3, beacon_ping = 30)
An example dataset of real acoustic telemetry detections of fish at several receivers within the California Central Valley from 2021. These detections have not been processed to remove false positives.
## 'raw_detections' A data frame with 55,736 rows and 3 columns:
The serial number of the detecting receiver
the local time of the detection (tz = America/Los_Angeles)
The hexadecimal acoustic tag ID code
Data collected by the California Department of Water Resources 2021
An example dataset of real acoustic telemetry receivers within the California Central Valley in 2021. These receivers are only those which match the serial numbers in companion dataset 'filtered_detections'. This data is formatted to match the California Fish Tracking receiver metadata found here: https://oceanview.pfeg.noaa.gov/CalFishTrack/.
## 'receivers' A data frame with 7,240 rows and 60 columns:
A unique id is created for each receiver deployment
The brand of the acoustic receiver
The serial number of the acoustic receiver
The decimal degree latitude (WGS1984) of the acoustic receiver at deployment
The decimal degree longitude (WGS1984) of the acoustic receiver at deployment
The site name of an individual receiver, often more than one 'receiver_location' is found at a 'receiver_general_location'
The more general geographic name of the location of the receiver
The number of river kilometers the receiver is from the Golden Gate Bridge
The start time of the reciever (generally when it was deployed)
The end time of the receiver (generally when it was retrieved)
A vector of example reference tag codes
A vector of example reference tag codes
Takes a dataframe of the proportion of events created by each potential blanking period which "survived" a certain time (t) created by 'duration_compare()' and calculates the sum of squares of the residuals between one potential blanking period and the next. This result is then renormalized by dividing the result by the number of events created.
renorm_SSR(time_df, var_groups = NULL)
renorm_SSR(time_df, var_groups = NULL)
time_df |
a dataframe created by duration compare showing the proportion of events created by each potential blanking period which "survived" a certain time (t) |
var_groups |
a single string or vector of strings of the columns which should be used to group organisms. Common groupings are species and cohorts. |
A dataframe of the renormalized sum of squared residuals between each potential blanking period and the subsequent one.
Takes a dataframe of the proportion of events created by each potential blanking period which "survived" a certain time (t) and creates a plot. Used to visually look for convergences between survival lines.
residence_plot(time_df, var_groups = NULL, time_unit)
residence_plot(time_df, var_groups = NULL, time_unit)
time_df |
a dataframe created by duration compare showing the proportion of events created by each potential blanking period which "survived" a certain time (t) |
var_groups |
a single string or vector of strings of the columns which should be used to group organisms. Common groupings are species and cohorts. |
time_unit |
the unit of time used to calculate durations |
A plot of the proportion of events created by each potential blanking period at each time (t).
#Plot a comparison of the number of events longer than a given time `t` residence_plot(time_df = time_test, var_groups = "fish_type", time_unit = "secs") # Note: that the large number of lines extending past the largest Time # indicates that a larger t is needed to ensure convergence
#Plot a comparison of the number of events longer than a given time `t` residence_plot(time_df = time_test, var_groups = "fish_type", time_unit = "secs") # Note: that the large number of lines extending past the largest Time # indicates that a larger t is needed to ensure convergence
Using the dataframes produced by renorm_SSR and opt_mbp, plots the rSSR curve, and all the convergence thresholds (horizontal lines) and corresponding optimum mbps (vertical lines).
rSSR_plot(rSSR_df, opt_mbp_df, var_groups = NULL)
rSSR_plot(rSSR_df, opt_mbp_df, var_groups = NULL)
rSSR_df |
a dataframe created by created by renorm_SSRduration compare showing the renormalized sum of squares of the residuals between one potential blanking period and the next. |
opt_mbp_df |
a dataframe created by opt_mbp showing the values for the convergence thresholds and optimum mbps |
var_groups |
a single string or vector of strings of the columns which should be used to group organisms. Common groupings are species and cohorts. |
A plot of the rSSR curve, convergence thresholds, and optimum mbps
#plot the rSSR and log(rSSR) curves rSSR_plot(rSSR_df = ex_rSSR, opt_mbp_df = ex_opt, var_groups = "fish_type")
#plot the rSSR and log(rSSR) curves rSSR_plot(rSSR_df = ex_rSSR, opt_mbp_df = ex_opt, var_groups = "fish_type")
Takes a dataframe with telemetry detection data and a list of potential Blanking Period multipliers (n_val) and crosses them, duplicating the entire dataframe by the length of n_val. This function is contained in blanking event.This function can be slow depending on the size of the dataframe.
setup_blanking( data, var_site, var_Id, var_datetime, var_groups = NULL, var_ping_rate, n_val )
setup_blanking( data, var_site, var_Id, var_datetime, var_groups = NULL, var_ping_rate, n_val )
data |
the detection dataframe with columns for sites, tag IDs, datetime, any grouping variables, and the expected ping rate. |
var_site |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies unique residency sites, these sites should be as distinct as possible, such that it is infrequent that organisms can be detected at two sites at a given time. |
var_Id |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the individual transmitter/tag/organism identifier. |
var_datetime |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the date and time of the detection event. This column should already have been converted to POSIXct format. |
var_groups |
a single string or vector of strings of the columns which should be used to group animals. Common groupings are species and cohorts. |
var_ping_rate |
the column name, in quotes, which identifies the temporal frequency at which the transmitter emits a detectable signal. |
n_val |
a vector sequence of integers which can be multiplied by the ping rate to construct multiple potential blanking periods. The range and step values for n should be selected based on prior knowledge about general behavior habits of the study organism and the functionality of the equipment. For more information, please refer to Capello et. al. 2015. |
A dataframe which has been crossed with all integers in n_val
# reduce dataframe for optimal blanking period analysis setup_blanking(data = filtered_detections, var_Id = "Tag_Code", var_site = "receiver_general_location", var_datetime = "DateTime_Local", var_groups = "fish_type", var_ping_rate = "tag_pulse_rate_interval_nominal", n_val = c(1:3))
# reduce dataframe for optimal blanking period analysis setup_blanking(data = filtered_detections, var_Id = "Tag_Code", var_site = "receiver_general_location", var_datetime = "DateTime_Local", var_groups = "fish_type", var_ping_rate = "tag_pulse_rate_interval_nominal", n_val = c(1:3))
Example output from the 'duration_compare()' function, testing the duration of detection events found in 'blanked_detects'.
## 'time_test' A data frame with 333,400 rows and 4 columns:
The time (in seconds) against which the duration was compared
Generally a strain, run, and species of fish (e.g. Nimbus Fall Chinook = Fall-run Chinook Salmon from Nimbus Hatchery)
The maximum blanking period (in seconds) used to create a set of events
The proportion of all events created with 'mbp_n' which have a duration longer than time 't'.